We live life together, seeking to follow Jesus in everything we do. We aim to live like Jesus did and bring life to our community. We want to love and serve the people around us, giving everyone we meet a picture of who Jesus is. This might sound a bit strange, and in some ways, it is, but an honest look at the culture around us and it’s what is needed. The story we are writing as a people just isn’t going that well, and the reality is there is a better story being written, and we want to be part of that.

We know the world is broken, and it’s been broken for a long time. You, me, and the other billions of people who live on planet Earth have issues, and we struggle. We can look out across all cultures and see injustice, broken systems, and evil. The question is, what do we do about it? Is there hope, or are we just going to post online about what we don’t like and continue to doomscroll?
Here’s the reality as we see it. If our brokenness is a sickness, we would go to a physician to get better, right? Jesus is that physician and we believe that He is healing the sickness of the world right now through His people, whom we call the Church. So we live our lives like that. We believe we are part of Jesus’ story of redemption to the world, so everything we do (well, we try) is focused on bringing redemption to the brokenness around us.

What to know
We gather on Sundays at 10 am
We serve the kids well by teaching through the Gospel Project
We live life together and meet throughout the week